Amanda MundayPsychotherapy & Counselling in Worthing & Shoreham-by-sea

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Psychotherapy and counselling in Worthing and Shoreham-by-sea



Hello, I am Amanda. I offer psychotherapy and counselling, based at the Natural Balance and Well Being Clinic in Worthing and at Shoreham Osteopathy Centre in Shoreham-by-sea. There is easy access to both venues from surrounding towns and villages. I offer short-term and long-term counselling and psychotherapy in a safe, compassionate and non-judgmental space where you can explore whatever aspects of yourself and your life you wish to bring.

There are many reasons why you might consider seeking psychotherapy. These include -

•Feeling anxious, depressed or suffering with panic attacks
•Facing relationship difficulties with a partner, family or in the workplace
•Dealing with distressing life events such as a bereavement, divorce or redundancy
•Struggling to come to terms with childhood trauma such as physical, sexual or emotional abuse
•Having difficulty managing feelings of anger, fear, grief or other intense emotional states
•Needing to explore questions around aspects of identity such as gender or sexuality
•Feeling chronically stressed
•Looking for a deeper meaning to your life
•Feeling ‘stuck’ in your life without necessarily knowing why
•Feeling alone and isolated, as though nobody understands you

What is psychotherapy and how can it help?

Very often, our adult lives are shaped by our early childhood experiences. As infants and children growing up, we develop coping strategies to help us manage difficult circumstances but as our lives move on into adulthood, these strategies can become fixed behaviour patterns that no longer work for us, instead they can restrict and overwhelm us and negatively impact our relationships with others. Psychotherapy can bring deep self-awareness around our experience and help to uncover these behaviour patterns. As things become clearer you may start to feel more empowered and more able to tolerate feelings that may have previously felt too much to be with. Being deeply seen and heard with respect, sensitivity and non-judgement can help alleviate the intensity of emotional affect and create a 'breathing space' out of which new possibilities can emerge. You can begin to develop a more accepting and loving relationship with yourself and others and experience a deeper sense of wellbeing and freedom.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am,
then I can change”

- Carl Rogers

Working with a psychotherapist can be long or short term. An on-going weekly commitment offers you an opportunity to be heard, witnessed and deeply supported, as you learn to tolerate feelings and experiences, such as anxiety, depression or anger, that have seemed unfamiliar or unbearable. Each relationship between psychotherapist and client is unique. Psychotherapy and counselling are not a prescriptive science, rather they are dependent on your needs, on what you want to explore and achieve in therapy.

How to find me

My practice is based at Natural Balance and Well Being on Salvington Road in Worthing. It is situated close to a bus stop and there is ample free parking.

I also practice from Shoreham Osteopathy Centre in Shoreham-by-sea which is near the train station and there is parking in nearby roads and car parks.



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